concert dates

News & Events May 14th, 2015

Friday 22nd May, 7-30pm, Leo Al Lawrence in concert at the Bonington theatre, Arnold Nottingham.


News & Events May 13th, 2015

My Guitar concert at the Bonington theatre, Arnold,Nottingham, Friday 22nd May, 7-30pm

news and events

News & Events May 13th, 2015

Hard at work rehearsing for Friday 22nd of May concert at the Bonington theatre, Arnold, Nottingham.Start time 7-30pm.

Fabulous portrait painted by artist Patricia Caille

News & Events February 3rd, 2015

Fabulous portrait painted by artist Patricia Caille at her art studio in Normandy, France. portrait

My New Album On A Serious Note

News & Events October 11th, 2014

Well having worked for seven long months, the new ambum On a Serious note is finally finished and on sale. The CD has fifteen tracks covering a wide range of musical styles, from Big band swing to gentle classical pieces I hope you will listen and enjoy.
The cost of the CD with cover notes, photo’s, track discriptions etc will be for the UK 8-00 pounds including P&P, for europe 10-00 euro including P&P. Please send cheques/postal orders etc to the studio,(address on the website) or download through itunes/amazon etc.
Hope you enjoy it, as it has been a pleasure for me writing,playing and recording the album.

The Jasmine’s Day – Written and Performed by Leo Al Lawrence

News & Events October 6th, 2014

Visiting a garden centre one morning, I noticed a beautiful flower starting to open and spread its petals. It inspired me to compose this piece, describing in music the Jasmin flower passing through its daily routine of opening and showing its beauty and then closing again. The composer Francisco Tarrega developed the guitar technique known as tremolo and I decided to use this playing style as it gives the piece a very gentle feel.

Read the rest of this entry »

The website is now completed, promotional video live!

News & Events March 11th, 2014

With help from James Woodcock, I can proudly announce that my website is now completely up and running for your enjoyment and to learn about myself and my services.

Also just released is a new promotional video, starring yours truly!

I hope you enjoy the Website…

Filming Promotional Video for Studio

News & Events January 25th, 2014

Interesting fun day today. James Woodcock came to theĀ  studio and we completed the filming of the new promotional video for the YouTube site. Had a quick look at some of the edited clips, looks very good. I’m looking forward to viewing the finished film when it hits YouTube.



Leo Al Lawrence Welcomes Fellow Unit Owners at The Glades Business Centre

News & Events October 20th, 2013

This evening Leo Al Lawrence greeted his fellow unit owners located at The Glades Business Centre, proving to be an excellent way of introducing himself to everyone within the complex.

Food and drink was provided along with a delightful jam session, creating a room of smiling faces.

Leo Al Lawrence on his electric guitar, Roger Hagarty on piano, Jill Savage on Saxophone and Pete on acoustic guitar.

Here are a few images taken from this event…

Site Under Construction!

News & Events October 14th, 2013

Welcome to Leo Al Lawrence’s new website.

This site is currently under construction, so please expect changes without notice and errors until the official release!

Leo Al Lawrence

Thank you for your patience.


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